Friday, January 15, 2010


Well, we are loving the heat wave up here. It crept up into the 20's a couple of days ago, and today it's supposed to hit 30. The dogs should be glad, because they will finally get a walk today. Of course, everytime it warms up, it eventually snows a bunch more, so let's hope that does not happen again soon. We still have PLENTY of snow on the ground - enough that I am sure it will be around until mid-March.

Anyone interested in coming for a Twinkies/Royals game in the new outdoor stadium this summer? If so, let me know, and we can start an email chain to figure out when so I can start working on getting tickets.

I hope everyone is keep the people in Haiti in mind. We gave some money to relief efforts today, and will probably give more next paycheck. The pictures are just horrifying.

On a lighter note, PD and I are going on something of a second honeymoon, and I am really excited. We decided that we wantd a bit of a beach vacation to balance out our honeymoon in NYC, so we are going to Puerto Vallarta in March. I am SOOOOO excited. I think it's going to be awesome. We are staying a pretty nice place. You can check it out and get jealous here:

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