Monday, July 20, 2009

My Computer Likes To Party Too Much.

So, apparently my computer likes to party, because I came into work this morning and it decided not to turn on, presumably due to a weekend of partying. I know how it feels, I am not a big a fan of Mondays, either. But now I have a loaner that has almost enough memory to run outlook and internet explorer at the same at least I can update my blog!

PD and I had a lovely weekend. We went to happy hour with some buddies on Friday. We planned on sitting outside by the river, but being that it was 65 and raining, we opted for inside. Sadness. Saturday was cold and crappy as well, and we spent the day running stupid errands. I went to a bachelorette party for a girl that I'm not very good friends with (but whose betrothed I am good friends with) on Saturday night, and then split right after dinner (Psycho Suzi's deep dish pizza, Danny has been lucky enough to enjoy this this fine piece of pizza art) and then watched the second 1/2 of Animal House with PD.

Summer kinda returned on Sunday...we turned the window units back on and headed for the sculpture garden and the Walker Art Museum. It was a lovely day. We then had a not so good lunch on the rooftop at Brit's. I keep meaning to bring some Kellermans to this place - while the food is subpar and the drinks are expensive, they have rooftop bocce ball in the middle of downtown Minneapolis. So that makes it pretty awesome. Or neat, as Sean would say. Then, I baked some zucchini bread, as my friend and I are having a little competition to see whose is better. Domesticated, I know. It turned out pretty well, I must say. Also neat.

In further attempts to domesticate myself, I will be taking a sewing class next weekend so I can learn to operate my sewing machine and make a tote bag. Fun Stuff!

Now back to my boring old job, where at least I have Sean's blog entry to entertain me. 28 days 'til we go to the cabin...and less than that until I make an appearance in the land of the Rock Chalk.

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