1. The dog.
The biggest thing this past week has been Mousey. She had a stroke on Tuesday. I will not even get into the details, but it was a rough week. She was in doggie ICU for two nights. When we brought her home, she could not walk or stand up at all. We did a lot of doggie physical therapy this week, and now she is walking around the backyard by herself! She is even correcting herself when she starts to wobble. Stairs are still an issue, but we are working on it. She can get up and down the deck stairs with help. I doubt she will ever be able to do the basement stairs. She has a giant dog bed constructed of multiple dog beds in our family room. We think she might be partially blind, which is sad, but dogs are good adapters. She has her jayhawk blanket close by at all times...which leads me to...
2. The 'Hawks. Unstoppable. Not much else to say. Glad I'm not a K-State fan. That would be rough. Glad that our first round is in the evening so I can watch it with full concentration. But why did they put both team that beat us this year AND the team that beat us in the tourney last year all in our region? Rough. I am taking Baylor to the final four, don't steal my pick. Brackets will be in the mail to the Commissioner tomorrow. I got PD a hat so that he will be sporting 'hawks gear constantly in...
3. Mexico. We are gointg on Saturday, despite the doggie stroke. I am so excited. Don't miss me too much. I am also prepared to figure out how to watch the Saturday game, assuming all goes as planned on Thursday. Being in a foreign country will not stop me because I am like the 'hawks. Unstoppable. I shall drink fruity drinks and get a tan, it will be great.
And now, my first round upset pick...I think I will go with Wofford, because their mascot is the Terrier. Woff woof! Hahahaha.
Please take note of the vicious beast in the background of the picture of Mouse.