Wednesday, January 26, 2011



So my friend is studying abroad and asked me what was going on here, so I informed her everything that I'm doing. I figured it would be a good idea to dust off the blog and let all you guys in on the fun also!

Sooo here it is...

Basically, i've just been insanely busy. since i've been back i've been playing basketball a lot, and getting crap organized.

KJHK- I've had two radio shows so far this semester. I'm the producer for every Wednesday show... There are 4 hosts and tonight's show went really well. I don't know who all knows Nick Wright from "What's Right with Nick Wright" on 610 Sports... the dude who does a 4-hour sports show all by himself, but he was on our show tonight and gave an awesome interview about KU/Big12 basketball. Said he loved it and wants to be on more. The KJHK Sports Director asked me to be the producer for his show over break (he's one of the hosts), and I'm pretty pumped. What I do is give a sports update, run the board... fading the microphones, organizing and playing the promos, ads, etc. during breaks, tweet for KJHK_Sports during the show to say what we're talking about, etc. Even though I have all that crap to do, the guys told me I could chime in and talk whenever I wanted also... which is awesome since I don't think most producers talk at all. KJHK has Sports shows 6-7pm every weekday, and I'll be on Wednesdays. This week was the first full week, as we had all 4 people on. Last week was the first show, and some of the guy weren't able to make it, so I was a full-time host on that and I think it went really well. I'm also still in the running obviously to be able to do some basketball games (I don't know if I'll be able to properly contain my excitement for men's games) and I'm excited for doing baseball games in the spring. Hopefully the shows will soon be archived on

Aside from KJHK, I also have work, school, intramurals and scheduling basketball camping going on.

I'll be working at least 13 hours, assuming I'm able to get rid of my awful 3am-7am shift on tuesday mornings that I currently have assigned to me. Regular scheduling starts next week--we've had random shifts so far... no routines and very, very little sleep. My other shifts will be Tuesdays 6pm-9pm in the ARC, Wednesday 9pm-Midnight Desk, Thursday 11pm-3am Security, and Saturday 3pm-6pm Desk. I'll of course have to get those covered when they get in the way of KU games.

As for school, I think I'm just going to take 13 hours this semester. I was in 16, but dropped a poetry class cause I hated it and don't necessarily need to take it. Even with 13, my other four semesters will be 15, 13, 13, 12. So not bad at all. This semester, I'm in Applied Behavior Science 304, JOUR 301 (& Lab), Western Civ 2, GEOG 104, and JOUR 288, which is a 1-credit course dealing with the TV station, KUJH.

M/W/F ABSC & HWC 11am & 12pm
T/TH JOUR LEC 8am, JOUR LAB 9:30am, GEOG 11am

It'll be a decently tough semester even though it's just 13 hours. Writing stories for my Jour lab might but tough, but hopefully fun.

Camping is going well, we're all getting pretty pumped for the KU/KSTATE game on Saturday! It'll be a fun one. I expect KU to win by 20. Still kind of a pain scheduling people but it's gone pretty smoothly.

Intramurals are starting up, I got my team signed up... I'm pretty sure our first game is Sunday night. Hopefully it'll be fun. I'm excited. Love the game.

So I mentioned how busy I've been, check out my sleeping schedule recently, with the random working schedule...

Friday night... slept from 1:30am-6am and 9:30am-12pm (worked 6am-9am)
Saturday night... (worked 11pm-3am) slept 3:45am-7:20am and 9:30am-1:15pm (lottery)
Sunday night... (worked 11pm-3am) slept 3:30am-10am
Monday night... slept 1:45am-7:56am (had an 8am class T)
Tuesday night... (worked 11pm-3am) slept 3:15am-10:15am (LEGIT!!! 7 hours!!!)

and then tonight I'll hopefully fall asleep by 11:30/Mid and wake up at 7am.
Thursday night will be huge... Sleep from like Mid to 10am (it'll be huge because.....)
Friday night idk how much i'll sleep at all... B/c me and one of the RAs are planning on going to the Fieldhouse to line up for college gameday at 4am. (doors open at 7am, it goes from 9am-11am) sooo yeah

Oh and then lottery for missouri game sunday morning at 8am. so yeah haha.

that's about all i can think of now!

Rock Chalk

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Posnanski Blog on CU @ KU game on Saturday.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bomb Cyclogenesis.

If you don't know what it means, here you go:

"Bomb Cyclogenesis" is a term meteorologists reserve for the most rapidly intensifying low pressure systems. "Bombs" undergo rapid pressure falls as they strengthen, and are defined by pressure drops of at least 24 millibars in 24 hours at 60°N latitude. The threshold for a bomb is a little lower in Minnesota, just 19 millibars in 24 hours at 45°N, the latitude of the Twin Cities.

These ear popping pressure falls are most common along the east coast in Nor'easters where warm ocean waters and extreme cold from Canada combine to produce rapid intensification.

Pretty exciting, right? I thought so, being the weather nerd that I am, until...

The bomb itself blew down our privacy fence. NOT cool. So we now get to walk the dogs in the bomb (i.e., wind gusts of 60 mph, and now some sleet and snow, as the temp plummetted with the barometric pressure). Plus, we have a 30-40 foot section of our fence across the sidewalk. PD and I can't lift it (at least not while the bomb is going on), so it's stuck there for now. Best case scenario, it won't cost much to fix, and/or our home insurance will cover putting up a new fence. We'll see. For now, at least the windchill is 20 degrees above, and not yet 20 degrees below.

RCJ. P.S. the 'hawks play on my bday this year, pretty awesome.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Late Night in the Phog 2010

Here's the Dream On video from this year's Late Night.

Take a look at the right hand corner of the screen on 8:16.

Oh, and watch the whole thing, cause it's awesome.

Rock Chalk

Things I Vow to Never Do.

1. Let Katie stick a needle in my arm.
2. Actually, let any of you stick a needle in my arm.

PD knows about the blog, but I have been unable to get him to post. Don't judge him, though. Kevie doesn't post either.

I am BUSY at work. It is consuming my life. I just got back from a work trip to San Diego. Sounds cool, but it wasn't. Work travel is not fun. And on the way home, I was stuck in the airport for 8 hours because the plane was broken (in case flying isn't scary enough). We finally rolled into Minneapolis at 2:30 a.m.. The Pog missed me. So did PD. I don't know if Mouse realized that I was gone.

We are counting down the days until Mama and Papa K come to visit. It's going to be great. I am going to be 30, which is scary. Not so much for me, as it must be for Moms and Pops.

Beyond that fun stuff, nothing new here, just waiting for bball season to start for some serious RCJing.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Well hello

So I think it is time we get Brigid and Paul on the blog. Thats my first thought.
Secondly, I'd like to not talk about the game last night, it did NOT go well.

SO everything at school is going well, I am doing well in all of my classes and next week I get to do a flu clinic and give everyone their flu shots! So if you all want to drive up to Avila and get one, I can stick the needle in your arm..go me!

Congrats to everyone about all the awesome stuff going on. I don't have much to talk about since everyone covered all the big stuff, but I felt like I should contribute.

Rock Chalk.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

No longer blocked

Welp, the blog was blocked at my office for a while, so I stopped checking. It seems as though it's back up and running - so I'll do my best to contribute.

Congrats on painting the house, Kev. I bet it looks very nice.

Hopefully school is going well for the college/graduate kids! It's not too long before Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks!

Andrew - Congrats on passing your test...that's a great accomplishment!

Mary is coming to the Lou for T-giving, so we should have a great time giving her a tour of the city and celebrating the engagement. And, I'm sure, we'll go to a yarn store or two - unless I can convince her they are closed over the holiday :)

Dad/Mom - I hope all is going well. I'm sure having Katie at home is very nice. Keep me posted on anything and everything about Grandpa. From the last I heard, he is doing much better and in great spirits.

I look forward to seeing everyone over Christmas!


The Return of the Blog.

I am so glad that the blog is back, and that so many awesome things are happening! First and foremost, come and visit me at for all your shopping needs. I have not added much recently due to an crazy long weekend in Vegas. I did not win big, but I did not do much gambling, either. We were there for some rock and roll. We went to this event:

It was a 21st birthday celebration for this indie rock label that hosts many of my favorite bands. The headlining band - Guided by Voices - hit their prime in the mid-90's, so the average age of the nerds at the festival was about 40. I might have been the youngest person there. The lead singer for GBV is Papa K's age. The thing was three days long, and all the fans and bands were staying in the same hotel, so I got to see many of heros live and in person - and doing things like walking around the casino in their jammy pants. It was great. OH, and some dude from Jersey Shore was DJ'ing at another club at the casino, so the place was simply packed with hipsters and skanks. It was awesome.

In other news, I am thinking about getting this for the Pog for Halloween:

Ultimate poggery.

PD and I are going to visit the newly engaged couple over Thanksgiving, so that should be fun. I can't wait for some time in the Lou. Mama and Papa K are coming up here for my (30th) bday. I believe that my dear sweet husband is planning a party (to be held at Grumpy's, aka the site of Maryoke). I am heading to Grumpy's tonight to watch the Twinkies choke in the playoffs. Should be a good time.

That's all for now. KEEP BLOGGING.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lots Happening in the Kellerman Family

Well the last post was back in June so I thought it was time to resurrect the Blog.

First and foremost - a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Danny and Brigid!! We are so excited for you and look forward to your wedding and all the excitement leading up to it. We are very proud and happy to have Brigid join the family! We had a great visit to St. Louis in late August.

Secondly, a big congrats go to Andrew for his new job as a clinical pharmacist at Appleton Medical Center in Appleton, WI. A really big decision but a great one as he is doing a job that he really wanted to. You can't fit a lot in a Camry so he has become a great friend of the Ashley furniture store. Mom and I are going to visit later this month and look forwad to seeing Andrew, his work and his new town -- bring on the cheese curds.

Kevin recently took the plunge and had his house painted. Our next door neighbor, Ron Green, did the honors and did a great job. Prior to painting, Kevin took off the front overhang and it looks fantastic -- it looks like a completely different house! Hey Kev, can I have my saws back? :-)

Katie is extremely quite well in her first few weeks of nursing school although it is really hard to say "go Eagles". She is acclimating to living back at home with the old folks but manages to make trips back to Lawrence to keep the fever. Good test scores so far -- be sure and ask her about the colostomy bag she got to "bring home"!

Mary and Paul continue to hold down the St. Paul deep fried neighborhood -- all without going to the state fair (go figure). Paul is on the downhill slide for his teaching degree and we wish him all the best. Mary is being enteprenurial with the opening of Pog Totes website and is truly becoming a "sewing machine". They are making a trip to St. Louis over Thanksgiving to spend time with the newly engaged.

Last but not least, congratulations to Sean for his first radio broadcast last week on KJHK, the Jayhawk radio station. He did the halftime and post game show. Mom and I were at the lake with our card group but able to listen on the internet. He really did a great job and appears to be a natural. He is hoping to get on as a play-by-play announcer with the baseball team!

Mom and I are very excited about all these great things going on in the family! Although grandpa has been sick, it is good to have him back home. He is probably going to be more feeble from now on but hopefully both he and grandma will acclimate to the new lifestyle. we took the plunge and had the last of the replacement windows in the kitchen and office replaced a couple weeks ago. Also finishing the last of the master bedroom project, which is our clothes closet. Should be a huge improvement. Looking forward to some better organization. Mom has a trip planned the middle of this month to Pascagula, MS. She is going with Kelli Reidy for a baby shower for Tim and Heather's twins.

Hope everyone has a great week...we love you all

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blogggggg Action!

Glad to see some blog action! It was kinda sad there for awhile, but I guess it's just because ya'll don't have domestication activities to report on. Here is my latest:

Yub, I built that raised garden bed and filled it with stuff to grow. We'll see how it goes. I hear Katie is going to water it when she visits, so that's pretty awesome. The plants are already much bigger, and I should have a grape tomato pretty soon.

The Katie/Sean in the Twin Cities Event of 2010 should be fun. We are having a fiesta at our house in their honor on Friday, complete with La Loma food (you may remember the food from the grad party). Thursday night will be spent at the Twinkies game. Saturday, we'll just sit around I supposed. Or do something cool. Depends on my mood. No matter what, we will NOT get Jimmy John's sandwiches. No way Jose. No can do.

Beyond domestication activities, I have been working a TON. I kinda made up for it by going to a cabin for Memorial Day weekend. (In the Great North, cabin = lake house.) It was a clown show, people in and all out weekend, good times. I have not recovered, though.

PD is keeping it real as usual. His teaching is almost done for the summer, so I guess he is happy about that. I am just jealous. I need another Mexican vacation already.

Now I must return to reviewing a gazillion documents, and then I have to go get the pog to take him to his first day of pog aggression class....should be fun!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Life in Lawrence

So, no one really posts on the blog anymore. But I'm sick and I have been sitting at home all day alone and I'm kind of bored, so I thought I would give this a try. I finished out my semester strong, my grades ended up being 3 As and 3 Bs if you include my JUCO class. I am excited to finally start nursing school, my orientation is in August, and I will be living with mom and dad again, which should be fun for all of us.
Mom is going to the lake for all of June, so I am going to go home for Memorial day and have dinner with the family before she departs. Sean and I (maybe Andrew also) are going to go down to see her on her birthday weekend, so that should be a lot of fun.
In a couple weeks Sean and I are going up to Minnesota to hang with Mary and Paul - should be fun! We are going to see the new Twins stadium which is exciting.
I just made plans with Danny to go down and spend a weekend with him and Brigid in STL. Andy and I are gonna drive down and maybe go to a Cardinals game and just hang out for a few days, so I'm excited about that also!
I'm still sick, I've been fighting a ridiculous cold for a while, but I've taken a few days off work now, so I am finally starting to feel better.

Its all of a sudden a little lonely in Lawrence. School ended so Sean left, my best friend Megan got an internship in Dallas for the summer, so she is gone but hopefully I can visit her this summer. Brit is still here (my roommate for those of you who dont know), but she works ALL THE TIME and has the opposite work schedule as me, so that is sad. And Andy has been gone for a couple days now - he went hiking in Arkansas with his roommate so we have no form of contact. Everything is moving a little slower here in Lawrence while everyone is trying to get summer kicked off and I'm trying to get over this cold. I'm still working at Old Chicago, until the end of the summer at least. I'm not going to work during my first semester at Avila because they require that you take 18 hours and I'm afraid work would jeopardize school, especially my first semester.

Anyway, that is all. Maybe some of you will read this, maybe not, but it helped with my boredom for a while.

Love you all.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Drake Graduation

thanks to everyone for coming to DesMoines for Andrew's Hooding ceremony. Dad and I were so very proud of all of you and we had a great time. It is always so nice to see everybody together in happy times. We treasure the time together. Dad has been out of town all week. He will be back on friday and we are going to our first concert at the Sprint Center, James Taylor and Carol King we are going with Lisa and Pat Ryan it should be alot of fun. On sunday is the shower for Megan at our house. I am going to the Lake on June 1 and am very excited for my first month long trip to the lake. Colleen and I will have fun! dad is coming down for a couple weekends so I will look forward to that. love you all, mom

Thursday, April 15, 2010


How much did you get for your trade-in? And - what kind of car is that? I've never seen anything like it before...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lotsa stuff is happening.

I am a busy, busy girl, and I need to update the blog like you would not believe.

First, here's Bruce. He's quite sad because he is naked.

I LOVE HIM. But he really wants this:

(Note the fact that it says Rock Chalk in white. That's key.)

He also wants some of those sweet car coasters and other things to generally pimp him out.

In related news, Mom won the deviled eggs competition this Easter. It was very carefully judged, although no surprises, obviously. Here are the competitors for anyone who was not there:

Next, I got to watch some of the Twin's opener in Target field from Michael Dady's office. I couldn't figure out how to zoom on my iPhone camera, so I had a much better view than this represents. It's pretty great:

Finally, operation domestication continues. After making mac and cheese and hummus from scratch the other night, I then turned these clearance table clothes and napkins that Mom found at JoAnn into curtains:

So Paul and I are going to the Twins/Royals game on Friday night. I need some Royal's gear (Katie, if you could pick me up a nice tee before you guys come down in June, I'll pay you back). For now, I will just wear my baby blue sweater. Although I might have my Believe shirt, now that I think about it...


Yep, the one and only Commissioner (aka Sean Kellerman) found this gem for me. I LOVE it. I can't wait for next Bball season so I can wear it. Or, even football.

Oh, and did you guys hear the news???



Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I agree with Danny.

Best post yet.


Katie - you should probably go eat at the Yacht Club more often. Glad to hear Lawrence is treating you well. Hopefully Coach Self can land a couple more recruits since Xavier just declared to go pro.

Tuesday's Lunch: Including Bill and Danny

So the story begins two years ago (roughly) when my father (Pappa K.) purchased a shirt for $1 which we were out at a garage sale. The shirt says "1988 National Champions: Jayhawks." On the back it reads "the hawks spread their wings when the fat lady sings." It is a phenomenal shirt. It is the shirt that the national title team was given directly after their victory in 1988.

I wore this shirt yesterday for the first time in a few months, and after my classes Brittnee and I decided to eat lunch at the Yacht Club. In walks Bill Self, and Danny Manning. I freak out, but keep my composure as I eat my cheeseburger and french fries. As we end our meal and pay for our food Brit and I get up to leave. We happen to walk right in front of the table that sits Bill and Danny. As we are walking by, Bill points to me and says "Hey, Danny, you recognize that shirt, don't ya?" Naturally, I freak out and pause in my place. Danny Manning then responds, "Yup, I think I still have it too." I laugh. I then say, "Ya, one of my best shirts" and continue to walk so as to not bother them while they eat. I then turn around and say "Rock Chalk" and both Bill Self, and Danny Manning look at me and say "Rock Chalk."

Best story ever. I fell in love.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mouse Update

One more post. As many of you know, Mouse suffered a stroke three weeks ago. She looked pretty bad when she got back from two nights in puppy ICU:

We had to teach her how to walk again. She is still working on the stairs, but overall is doing really well. We could tell that she was almost fully recovered when we came home to this:

In other words, Mouse is back in the trash.

Here's my peacock friend from El Mexico:

Phones in Toilets

I have NEVER dropped my phone in a toilet, although I have often been falsely accused of doing so. My dear sweet husband (i.e., that dude who took Butler to the final four) HAS dropped his phone in a toilet. And I have dropped mine in a glass of water. So perhaps that is from where the confusion comes?

See you KC folks on Sunday! Pretty excited. I am spending Saturday night in L-town and the Sunday-Tueseday in KC. Should be a good time, although I have to write a prehearing brief while I am there. Uggg. I go to trial in just over a month. SCARY.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Long time no talk...

So obviously this is a little awkward...the Hawks didn't show up in the way that they were supposed to and I'm assuming that's why no one has "had the time" to post on the blog...we are all a little in shock still. Lawrence is a little quiet, the players walk around with their heads down and hoods up, it's pretty depressing. But hopefully next year we will have less pressure on us and we will be able to play basketball the way Kansas does it.

So I was in Florida for a week and did a lot of cool stuff. I went on a one day fun day cruise to the Bahamas and that was amazing. I went waverunner-ing (sp?) on the ocean, which I never thought I would do because I'm terrified of sharks and I actually fell off the waverunner in the middle of the water...ah! I went snorkeling in Key Largo which was also way legit. So no complaints here. I went with Andy, Megan and Matt (who work at Old Chicago) and Kyle and Brit (Andy's roommate and his girlfriend) and we had a ton of fun. Sadly, we stopped off and watched the KU game in West Palm Beach, but the grim outcome made for a quiet 24 hour car rid e home.

Mom and dad got back from dropped her phone in the toilet (sound familiar Mary?) and they said they had a lot of fun so that is good.

What are all of you up to?

Keep me posted.

I'm just getting back in the swing of school and work and its pretty tough, so I'm just doing what I can for now! Rock Chalk...and Go Royals????

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I just bought a plane ticket to come home on Saturday, April 3. My visit goes through Tuesday, April 6, "just in case." Can't wait to see you all! And I would like to see this again, too:


Who's that crazy mofo lurking in the background?

Rock Chalk!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hi all, RCJ.

Well hello, I shall continue to blog and hope that someone out there is reading this...lot going on in Minnesota.

1. The dog.

The biggest thing this past week has been Mousey. She had a stroke on Tuesday. I will not even get into the details, but it was a rough week. She was in doggie ICU for two nights. When we brought her home, she could not walk or stand up at all. We did a lot of doggie physical therapy this week, and now she is walking around the backyard by herself! She is even correcting herself when she starts to wobble. Stairs are still an issue, but we are working on it. She can get up and down the deck stairs with help. I doubt she will ever be able to do the basement stairs. She has a giant dog bed constructed of multiple dog beds in our family room. We think she might be partially blind, which is sad, but dogs are good adapters. She has her jayhawk blanket close by at all times...which leads me to...

2. The 'Hawks. Unstoppable. Not much else to say. Glad I'm not a K-State fan. That would be rough. Glad that our first round is in the evening so I can watch it with full concentration. But why did they put both team that beat us this year AND the team that beat us in the tourney last year all in our region? Rough. I am taking Baylor to the final four, don't steal my pick. Brackets will be in the mail to the Commissioner tomorrow. I got PD a hat so that he will be sporting 'hawks gear constantly in...

3. Mexico. We are gointg on Saturday, despite the doggie stroke. I am so excited. Don't miss me too much. I am also prepared to figure out how to watch the Saturday game, assuming all goes as planned on Thursday. Being in a foreign country will not stop me because I am like the 'hawks. Unstoppable. I shall drink fruity drinks and get a tan, it will be great.

And now, my first round upset pick...I think I will go with Wofford, because their mascot is the Terrier. Woff woof! Hahahaha.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Tis the Season of RCJ

Well, as I commented on Sean's post, work was done on Saturday in Columbia. Just a standard KU/MU matchup. I was sad because we missed almost the entire first 1/2 due to the Villanova game going into overtime and people apparently caring about that. So I had the gamecast on my phone, and the score looked close...I was nervous. CBS kindly took us to KU/MU at about the 3 minute mark...and we watched Kansas score 16 and missouri score nothing. Amazing. Then, for the last two minutes of the game, PD was going wild, cheering for us to win by 20 or more. It was great. He is becoming more and more of a fan each day (even though he won't admit it to Kellermans - he is always telling other people how he is a "true fan" now). I am going to order him a Kansas hat to wear in Mexico.

Speaking of, I am going to miss at least two tournament games, which makes me sad. Hope for the Friday/Sunday draw for the regionals for my sake.

Not much going on up here. The thaw has been happening for about two weeks...and there is still snow, gross, dirty snow, all over the place. It's taking a real long time this year. But spring came early, and it should be a nice one. Paul is doing everything to finish up school and prepare for graduation, which will be happening in December after he student teaches this fall. I am just doing law stuff. Pretty boring, and being domesticated in general. I am working on getting C. Brown into a dog agression class so he can learn to be social with other dogs and not a vicious beast.

I just received the conference room w/ the TV here in the office for 11:30 - 1:30 on Thursday. RCJ.

Hope to here from ya'll soon.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Big 12 Brackets / Update coming soon hopefully

Hello all,

Its been quite a while since I've posted, and hopefully I'll be able to post an update on my current happenings soon (had a GREAT birthday!!! and and AWESOME senior night!!!)

I figured it appropriate to post now since MARCH MADNESS IS UPON US. THAT'S RIGHT.

I'll be e-mailing the bracket out soon to everyone, as soon as the seeds are officially set.

Oh, the Hawks are the Number 1 seed, by the way.

Let's take it one game at a time, and we got Missouri tomorrow. Let's make it yet another W over them. I'll be watching it in the greatest town ever. Let's do some work.

Rock Chalk,

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hi all, checking from Minnesota. Sounds like everyone out there is pretty much keeping it real. I am jealous of trips to Joann's. I am back on operation domestication, and I made myself a skirt. It's pretty awesome. Sewing is fun! Get your orders for tote bags for Xmas presents in now, cuz I have a lot of them!

Roundball is really getting into the 'hawks this year, I love it. We are planning on a few more trips to Tiff's yet. Sad that I lost the drawing for the trip to Kansas for the game this weekend, but oh well. Better luck next year.

Congrats to all on interviews, etc. Keep us up to date. Andrew seems to be doing a tour of all the hotspots of the midwest...Des Moines...Omaha...what's next, Columbia? Haha.

I work with a Duke fan. It's rough. He's a trash talker. We have found common ground on our hate for UNC, so that's good.

Anyway, life is pretty boring here. Work, knit, sleep, dogs, etc. I think I am going to have a couple of trials this spring, so that is kinda crazy. But yeah. As Sean would say, Rock Chalk Title 2010.

p.s. Another dude that I work with says being a Kansas basketball fan is like being a Yankees fan. Can I get some arguments to rebut that accusation, please?

Monday, February 15, 2010


sorry it has been so long since i have posted! i did just read all the posts and really enjoy them. somehow time seems to fly by. Dad and i are doing great. we had a wonderful trip to Florida even though Mr. VP had to work. I guess he will continue that working so he can continue to have that cool title. I did get to go to the spa with Julie for a couple days and that was very nice. we had several nice dinners and did go to the beach even though we had to wear our hoodies and it was still cold. Dad has been home for awhile and it has been so nice having dinner together. we went with Catherine and Milton this past friday for dinner, it was nice we listened alot! we also took grandma and grandpa out last week they have not been out much so they really enjoyed our dinner on the plaza. Dad goes to NO on tuesday. i am going to dinner at colleen's Laura is leaving for Australia to sutdy, hmmmmm! oh well you will all get those trips of a lifetime and won't have to study which will be much more fun. Katie came in for her interview on Friday at Avila and was very excited. She said it went great, i am so glad for her. we went to lunch and to Joann fabrics, I know you are all jealous you missed out on that trip to the fabric store but i am making some pillows and a bed spread for our new bedroom which by the way looks awesome. we are almost finished, it has been alot of work but well worth the effort. We are looking into getting new floors in our room and my bathroom. that would be our last big investment in this house I think.I have enjoyed watching the KU games with Dad, Joe and Caroline at least the Saturday night games when i babysit. I am working my hours at the learning tree and still babysitting it keeps me pretty busy. I really enjoy my mornings at home and sleeping in. I love you all and glad to hear from everyone, love Mom

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The snow

prevented me from going to my second and third days of rotation this block. Fortunately, I was able to spend those days playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Kevin knows the addiction). I also was able to get some hours logged on the new Super Mario for Wii. As an advocate of the classics, I would say this one definitely does it justice and is worth the purchase for rich lawyer sisters to buy their siblings.

So I am back in Des Moines now, but not for long. I leave tomorrow for Omaha. I have a residency interview at Creighton University Medical Center. Hopefully they like me, and I like them. I interviewed last Thursday at St. Luke's on the plaza, and I think it went really well. Hopefully, they did as well. Those are my only two interviews for residencies unfortunately so keep your fingers crossed. I will find out which (if either) that I get on March 15th I believe.

I thought I would share what I used the christmas gift card for: these baller Drake sweatpants that I am wearing.

I'll be back in KC just in time for the madness that will be March, hopefully including the Big 12 tourney. Rock Chalk. Oh, I went to Lawrence for the KU-MU game which was awesome. And finally, I just saw on ESPN a video called Knight Watch: Aldrich: watch it.


is buying Brigid a digital camera for her birthday. He said this would be a great idea because she would be able to take pictures of him laying around the pool (in the summer) - and then she will send them to the family. All he needs now is to get shaved since his winter coat has become insanely thick.

Glad to hear Mary and Katie are doing well. It's obviously cold everywhere that Kellerman's reside - maybe someone should move to FL or CA? Just a thought.

The Jayhawks are rocking and chalking all over college basketball nowadays. If Marcus Morris can keep up his pace, I don't think anyone will be able to beat us this year. I really don't care if we lose once in conference play and even once in the Big 12 tourney. Sometimes it's better to get a bad game out of the way (Tenn.) and press on afterwards. Rock Chalk!

Not much going on in STL. Mardis Gras is this weekend. I think Brig and I are going to lay low - maybe dinner on Friday and watch the KU game Saturday. Her bday is Monday, so I'm going to take a half day vacation. I don't get much, so hopefully we can find something fun to do. It's her big 3-0, so I'm throwing a party on the 20th - which is actually being held at her friend, Meghan's house. We're going to get some Black Thorn pizza (the best in STL) and some drinks/desserts, so it should be a good time - at least I hope it will be.

Otherwise, not much going on. I'm busy at work and am contemplating starting grad classes up again. If not, I'm going to study to become a teacher through ABCTE - read up on it www. It's only offered in 9 states - and MO happens to be one of them - I imagine because of the almost non-existent public schools.

Hopefully everyone else is doing well. I talked to Andrew this past weekend, and he informed me that Michael is trying to run the tournament pool this year. Dear God. Sean, please don't let that happen - I know you won't.

Everyone stay warm. Bob and Hampton say hello.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm here, don't worry!

Well, I do like the new look of the blog, very classy. You're lacking of capital letters is a little weird, so we should start typing like normal people again - I wondered to myself how many times in those posts you actually used capital letters and had to go back and make them little letters again. :)

So, anyway, the big game is tomorrow and that is exciting - I know the hawks won't disappoint in Austin. Just as they have yet to disappoint in a while. Sherron is just unstoppable, and don't you forget it. The superbowl is going to start any moment now, and I really don't care. To be honest, I only ever watch the superbowl for the commercials! (Real Men of Genius, anyone?)

Everything in Lawrence is going well, school is getting tougher as the days go on, but I think I am doing well in all of my classes. I am working pretty much all weekend every weekend so at least it is keeping me on my toes. BIG NEWS for everyone, I have my first nursing school interview on Friday at Avila, so everyone wish me luck, PLEASE! I am very excited because Avila is where I mainly want to get into, so send happy thoughts!

We are supposed to get 8, ya I said it, 8 inches of snow in the next couple days, so that is NOT cool. I like snow and all, but not when it gets in my way, I mean, it just all melted, I wasn't prepared for this.

Well, I will do my best to post more on the blog - I hope this gave you all who read a little insight to the life of me (as exciting as it is!).

Keep Brett's sister and family in your prayers!

Love you all - we are lucky to all be in good health!

Have a FABULOUS week!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

approach no. 2.

because i have not yet had a reaction to my strike on capital letters, i am now taking another approach to blogging. i will blog everyday that i can with worthless information! hahahahaha!

for example, everyone's excited for the big game tomorrow, right? by the "big game," i mean the puppy bowl. pd, mouse, charlie brown and i are going to get ourselves some beggin' strips and cozy up on the couch for this one.

here's the starting lineup:

today i am at work. it sucks, because, as you may have noticed, today is saturday. oh well. i am totally swamped these days.

however, tonight i have girl's night. i am excited. we are going to a restaurant/bar in lowertown st. paul for dinner/drinks/dancing. i have new cowgirl boots that i am going to wear. it's going to be great.

i am going to work until 3, go to the gym, and then get home and be showered in time for a 5:00 tip off.

snow storm a-coming as well, starting tomorrow afternoon and going through tuesday. ten inches or so. fyi, we have a massive amount of snow on the ground because it just keeps falling and never melts. it sucks. and i am a little afraid that this storm is going to mess with my plan to be at tiff's for the big game on monday. i sure hope not.

signing off for now...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

as sean would say, this was pretty neat, because sherron does work.

well, that was a little much.

hi all. i am now refusing to use capital letters until someone else posts. pretty cool, right? last night was a little much. i was not prepared for ot against colorado, or as my colorado alum coworker calls them, the buffs. luckily, we are still 41-1 vs. colorado over the last 42 years, so that is good.

old man descombaz said he would start posting on the blog soon. we'll see if that happens. i was telling him how i was sad about not hearing from anyone for awhile.

so year, brent favor messed things up for the vikes. we watched that whole game too. so sad. but i am happy that new orleans is in the superbowl and will be cheering for them.

friday night lights is an awesome show. has anyone else watched it? that's what we generally do, come home from work, go to the gym, watch some friday night lights. it's cold and snowy and there is not much else to do.

we had an earthquake relief fundraiser dance party and raised $826.25. the $1.25 was from my nephew jackson. it was pretty awesome overall.

i am going to girl's night on saturday after the nebraska game. the in-laws came to tiff's for the k-state game and loved it. i have some friends who are going to join me at tiff's on monday, so that should be good. i am entering a contest to win a trip to kc to go to the ku/ou game. you get one entry for every five boulevards you drink. i have yet to get an entry, and the drawing is the 13th, so i better get on it. need at least one ticket in the mix, right?

well that is all for now. i have just been working a ton and cursing the snow.

love you all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Random Thoughts Re: This Year in the Big 12.

That K-State coach has the oddest hairline I have ever seen.
How is Baylor actually ranked?
Why do I keep finding myself cheering for K-State?
It's about a million times easier to watch Missouri games now that Quinn Snyder is gone, but, at the same time, far less entertaining.
Sherron Collins is pretty much a baller.
I wish that I was Sean so I could go to the game on Monday.
Iowa State will never scare me.
I guarantee you that, should you be challenged upon your ability to name all teams in the Big 12 North, the one that you won't be able to remember will be Colorado.
All teams from Texas scare me.
Bobby Knight is not good at play by play.
Make your free throws.

That's all for now.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Well, we are loving the heat wave up here. It crept up into the 20's a couple of days ago, and today it's supposed to hit 30. The dogs should be glad, because they will finally get a walk today. Of course, everytime it warms up, it eventually snows a bunch more, so let's hope that does not happen again soon. We still have PLENTY of snow on the ground - enough that I am sure it will be around until mid-March.

Anyone interested in coming for a Twinkies/Royals game in the new outdoor stadium this summer? If so, let me know, and we can start an email chain to figure out when so I can start working on getting tickets.

I hope everyone is keep the people in Haiti in mind. We gave some money to relief efforts today, and will probably give more next paycheck. The pictures are just horrifying.

On a lighter note, PD and I are going on something of a second honeymoon, and I am really excited. We decided that we wantd a bit of a beach vacation to balance out our honeymoon in NYC, so we are going to Puerto Vallarta in March. I am SOOOOO excited. I think it's going to be awesome. We are staying a pretty nice place. You can check it out and get jealous here:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

7 Degrees is Now Considered Hot...

SO - the cold weather is kicking my a$$. There is currently a large downfall of snow covering the Lawrence sky. Its really really pretty, but I'm getting sick of the -4 degree weather.

For some warmer news, I made spring break plans to go with 6 of my friends to Miami! That will be fun! I am super excited! My first spring break as a legal 21 year old.

Sean came up to L-town and we wen shopping and had lunch! I have started a new health kick to get into gear for the spring break season. I have been eating nothing but healthy food and I have been doing about an hour of cardio every other day, hopefully moving into every day in the next week or so.

The hawks are dominant as always - I smell a championship rapidly approaching!

I really had a lot of fun with all of you around the holiday season. It will be sad not seeing all 9 of us together for a while! Maybe at aunt Jan and uncle Joel's nuptuals?? :) HAHA

Well, I have spent some of gift card on the following -
1) matching Vera Bradley wallet
2) Jayhawk sweatpants
3) Jayhawk t-shirt
4) new swim suit for spring break
...and still money to spare! So thank you mom and dad!

Well, I love you all, I hope that back to work isn't as dreadful as it sounds! School starts on the 14th! So wish us luck haha!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Zero Degrees Sounds Balmy.

Well all, hope you are enjoying the Artic Blast. The last two mornings of -15 have been miserable. It's going to warm up to 6 the next couple of days, but of course that means it will snow on top of the ice covered roads...and then highs below zero again. Why did I move here? Horrifying.

In other news...back to the daily grind, post-holidays. While I was initially sad about the end of the holiday season, I recovered from my grief once I realized that January = start of Big 12 play. I have already made plans for the Texas game on Feb. 8. I feel like it might be intense, so I will have to go to Tiff's to be with my people.

PD has started saying "clutch" all the time after a week with the Kellermans. It's kinda funny.

Yeah so as you can tell, my life is boring. Back to that law.

OH YEAH I assume that you all got my new number. Had to switch to AT&T and they could not transfer the Kansas area code. Bye bye Verizon, hello iPhone!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hawks on Fire

Well the hawks finally played a ranked team and beat the cr$% out of them today. I think they have been playing down to the competition up to now. It was really good to see them finally play like we know they can. So by now you all know that I was promoted to a VP! A whole lot of the credit goes to mom as she is the one who has to be at home and run the house when I am traveling all over Timbuctoo. I anticipate that this will be another very busy year but look forward to the challenges. For the first time in 95 years, HNTB passed the $1,000,000,000 mark for sales! This is a huge accomplishment but we also have a future goal of $2,000,000,000 by the year 2014.

Now that most of the hustle bustle of the holidays are over, we are starting work on our bedroom -- new paint, remodel closets, maybe new carpet, etc. Hope everyne gets to buy something you really wanted for Christmas with your gift cards. Let us know what you get when you finally make a decision. I'll try to do better about blogging this year promises as we are usually busy, busy, busy....

Love you all...Dad

Thursday, December 31, 2009


To Sean on winning the Superbowl in the Doodles league. Good work, buddy.

I should take pictures of the snow piles here. It makes the KC white christmas look SORRY. And they won't be going anywhere, as we will be ringing in the new year with a low of -15, and a low of -25 later this weekend.

Well, it's been a helluva 2009. I particularly enjoyed the part where I married Paul because he's the bestest. He is being a wonderful househusband this week while I am at work - cleaning, cooking, doing the shopping. I still won't let him near my laundry though. But he is such a good grocery shopper that I am trying to make this his job.

We are having some friends over tonight, so we'll be safe and sound in our basement. Everyone else be safe, call cabs if necessary, etc etc. Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


15 seconds that you'll be glad you took out of your day, compliments of Marcus Morris.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Forecast.

100% chance of a White Christmas here in Minnesota. We've got a solid 8 inches on the ground (and it ain't melting with lows below zero), and more coming Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

I am carefully monitering the forecast so as to plan my trip south accordingly. All of the presents are wrapped and packed and ready to go. I have the Dady & Garner holiday party tonight. I was the official party planner this year, so let's hope that everyone has a good time. Otherwise, they'll come bitching at me. Luckily, my budget included an open bar, so that should help.

Tomorrow we have Paul's family for Christmas at our house. It's going to be insane, a true exercise in domestication. I think there are going to be 20 people or so. I am little nervous. Paul is going to clean tomorrow and I am going to get the food together. Not too much cooking involved, and hopefully some people will bring some stuff. That's the plan, anyway.

Alright all, weather permitting, we'll be on the road on Wednesday morning. Charlie Brown is excited to see you all. He wants to give you all hugs and kisses.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Follow Up.

I also just purchased Now That's What I Call Christmas Vol. 1 (a double disk) on amazon. Cross your fingers that it arrives on time for me to jam it all the way to Kansas on the 23rd.

Mom, can you go over to Kevin's and take pictures of his puppy and put them on the blog, or email them to me and I will put the on the blog? I hear that Kev named the sweet baby "Rampage." Personally, I liked Mario.


So I am going to take Operation Domestication to the next level this weekend and engage in some serious Christmas cookie baking. I am trying to decide what to make. So far, I have decided that I will def. make M&M cookies because they are good. PD wants me to make the peanut butter ones with the chocolate kiss in the middle, so I guess I will do those as well. I am considering spritz, but I need the cookie gun, and that kinda intimidates me. Of course, I will whip up some chex mix, with cheerios and peanuts and pretzels. Yummers. If there is anything left, I will bring it home with me. Yay! Almost Xmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthday Party!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, family! I heard from all of you, so that was nice. I went out to a birthday dinner alst night with Andy, Sean, and Brittnee and it was really fun. Tomorrow night a bunch of my friends and I are going to the bars, I'm really excited, there will be a lot of people that I work with and other friends all together so it will be fun. Thanks to everyone for calling! It was really fun to hear from everyone and get to see Sean on my bday :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here we go.

I believe that all the Kellermans (except maybe Danny) are about to get a taste of some winter. We're looking at a solid 6-9 inches, winds at 40 mph, lows below zero and wind chills way below zero. NOT happy. But I must say, I am glad it waited until after this past weekend, or that would have been a helluva drive.

It was nice to see all the fam this weekend, despite the somber occassion. I say we continue to celebration of Grandma K's life through the Xmas season.

Grandma H provided Paul and I with quite the Holiday decoration: a giant Snoopy in a Santa suit. And I mean GIANT. It's sitting on the couch in our family room. Charlie Brown (the dog) is afraid of it. He likes to sit by the couch and bark at it. I love it. It is very festive, and fun to cuddle with.

Anyway, I am almost finished with my Xmas shopping, and hope that you all can say the same. Except for pd. I have not gotten him anything. Argg.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tis the Season of Heating Up Cars

Well, it's probably going to happen this week. I am going to have to start heating up my car every morning, probably for the next three or four months. Not cool. I really enjoy not having to do that.

It sounds like you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I hear Katie got domesticated, apple pie style. Only 8 more days of illegality, my dear. Congrats, you made it.

DK, how was your birthday? Did the Jayhawks ruin it with their sad loss to Mizzou? I watched most of that game, and enjoyed the first half - and then they blew it. Uggg. Basketball. Right?

Our Thanksgiving was pretty calm. We spent a lot of time with Paul's brother and sister in law, Mike and Heather, because they were in town from Duluth and we don't know if we will see them over Xmas. We made not one, but two appearances at Grumpy's. (Mom and Dad, Jess says hi and she missed you.) I worked on my general domesticated and tried to sew and knit some stuff. It's pretty fun. I successfully (kinda) sewed pleats into a bag, and made pockets. I like the sewing machine.

PD is excited for his first participation in the name exchange. I hope he can pull it off. I am ready for Christmas. I am taking Wed-Mon off work, so that should be nice. Right now, I am suffering from a bit of a cold, but I guess that is good - get it out of my system between the holidays, right?

Well, sorry for the somewhat boring post. OH YEAH I hung xmas lights on a bush outside my house. It is sweet. And we put our tree up. And I want to buy more xmas decorations, so I think that I am going to go to Target over lunch and do just that. Fun!

Happy Holidays to all. C. Brown says hi. He's adorable and can't wait to see you all at xmas.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tis the Season of Giving Thanks

So - Thanksgiving has passed, and so I guess the next national holiday would be...December 9th. The birth of Kathleen Elizabeth Kellerman, 21 years prior. WOOHOO!

I'm super excited about my birthday, I got really cool gifts from mom and dad - and I got a little of my Christmas shopping done with dad on Saturday! I'm super excited to have everyone home again for the holidays, I love Christmas!

Mary - sorry you missed the giving of thanks, I ate extra sweet potatoes for you. And you didn't get to experience my apple pie, but maybe I'll make one for Christmas.

Danny - I hope you had a good birthday - sorry the Hawks couldn't deliver a victory - a safety?! REALLY MISSOURI!?!? I mean come on...

Kevin and Andrew - I had fun hangin out with you guy this weekend, I'll see you on Christmas - good luck with work and stuff during the holiday season!

Sean - see you in like....I dunno - a couple hours.

Mom and dad - Thank you SO much for all you did for us this weekend. I LOVE my birthday gifts and I had a lot of fun putting up the christmas lights and tree. Dinner was AMAZINGLY delicious and spending time iwth you two is always my favorite part of the holiday!

Family - LOVE YOU ALL. Everyone stay happy and healthy! UPDATE THE BLOG!!!!!!!!!! I like to know what you are doing instead of just boring you with me doing nothing...soooo ya.

Monday, November 23, 2009


As you all probably know, we are in the midst of the 2009 NCAA Soccer tournament. Drake, who had never won a tournament game beat Western Illinois in the first round, then advanced to the Sweet 16 with a 1-0 victory @ #4 Ohio State. Pretty big deal. Next game is Sunday Nov. 29th vs. Boston College. If they pull off another win, the following rounds are actually televised!

Hawks Basketball

Hawks Basketball rules all.

(Shhh... the KU Women's team is #19 in the Nation also...)

Rock Chalk Championship.

I'm excited for break!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

He's Baaaack!!

BEST POST EVER - goes to Papa K.

I'm so excited to go home for Thanksgiving, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to because of the good Old Chicago, but I got my shifts covered luckily! School is finally starting to slow down after a few CRAZY weeks, but it is luckily getting better - this break will not come a moment too soon!

I'm glad to hear that everything went well in St. Louis and in Minnesota! (well, except for Mary's singing which we all know isn't that pleasant!) Haha! And its great to hear that mom and dad are finally getting to enjoy the life they deserve and travel!! You go, parents!!

I'm super excited for Christmas when everyone will be home - I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!! :)

Anyway, not much going on here, heading home on Wednesday night all the way to Sunday! Hawks basketball is legit, Hawks football - not so legit. And what is the deal with Mangino!? Is he gonna get fired?? Vote?


Rock Chalk, love you all! Can't wait to see everyone!

I'm Baaaaaaccccckkkkk!!!

Well I know it has been way too long since I blogged but there are many excuses that I won't bore you with today. I've read through the recent posts and have some comments and questions:

1) Mary, you should reconsider your choice of surgeons next time you have a root canal. You do know that your regular dentist is not qualified to do the RC, right? I'm sure it was not near as painful as our having to listen to your kareoke (however you spell it).

2) Katie - what the hell is a dichotomous??? I've never done fishing for ethics -- is it tasty?

3) Grienke is a stud - I saved the special in the paper for you Sean

4) Kev - thanks for returning my rakes. Oh, I guess I can just tell you at Thanksgiving

5) I guess we are definitely back to "just wait until basketball season". The game at Arrowhead is going to be less than exciting and after that, Mangenius is done!! Let's have a pool on who our next coach will be. Charley Weiss will certainly be available but hopefully we don't stoop that low.

6)Sean - BB season at the Phog is what you have been waiting to experience for a long time. I know it is worth it, especially with such a talented team. By the way, have you talked to Bob yet? If Greg Gurley and do sports announcing, then you are a shoe-in!! By the way, Greg Gurley's daughter is in the same class as Carloine -- maybe she could introduce you.

Enough about the previously crafted information. Now it's time for my update. Mom and I have been very busy as you can imagine. We did have a great trip to St. Louis to visit Danny and Brigid althought the time went way too fast. Lesson learned -- do not go to Wal-Mart on Halloween. It is packed, they were none too friendly and shut down my line right when it was our turn (all I wanted was some tums). We met Brigid's parents at dinner on Saturday night and had a really nice time (by the way, Danny paid so others should follow suit). Two weeks after St. Louis, we went to the great north to visit Mary and Paul and also had a great time. Lesson learned -- "Take a chance on me" is not a good kareoke song for Mary to sing. We all met up with Bobbie and Tim and Chad and Laurie for dinner on Friday night and had a great visit. I was disappointed that there was no snow for us to enjoy but I'm sure we will all get some this year.

Work has been really busy with year end sales push, establishing budgets for 2010 and 2011. Although the economy is bad, HNTB is expecting record setting year for sales, revenues and earnings in 2009. The preliminary numbers for employee shareholders is a 61% increase in stock value. Woohoo, I may get to retire some day after all!! Mom has also been staying very busy and has a pretty set schedule of babysitting and working at the Tree where, as we all know, she is a superstar!

Sean, I played poker up at Mike Fitz's on Friday -- 3rd place again!! Mike won and Vince took 2nd place -- he was almost strategic, which is very surprising as you know. Connor was there and I found out that he bailed on KU at the last minute and ended up at Northwest Missouri State. Probably a better choice for him. No wonder you have not seen him on campus.

Mom and I have a few trips planned over the next few months -- man this empty nest deal is kind of cool. We are going to New Orleans from December 1o through 13th for the HNTB Louisiana Christmas party. Flanagan's are going too so it should be fun. Then at the end of January, we will be going to Amelia Island Florida for the HNTB officer's meeting. The weather is not all that great in January, but the place is beautiful. Finally, we are going to go to Las Vegas with Pat and Lisa Ryan from March 17th through the 22nd. You might note that this is the first weekend of the NCAA tournament. Pat and I will be placing some very strategic bets on games and spending quality time in the sportsbook at the Mirage and expect that Lisa and mom will enjoy the pool and some gambling excitement too.

We are really looking forward to the holidays and having everyone home. Will miss Mary and Paul at Thanksgiving but look forward to seeing them at Christmas. Everyone stay healthy and safe!!

Love you all,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

things that horrify me

1. having to get a root canal
2. having complications from said root canal that cause serious pain
3. remembering that i attempted to sing karaoke to "take a chance on me"
4. seeing people in north carolina gear
5. not getting to see the surprising close kansas/memphis game

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Kansas City Royals All-Star starting pitcher Zack Greinke was awarded with the American League Cy Young Award on Tuesday, the award given to the best pitcher in the American League.

The Royals finished with a disappointing 65-97 record and tied for last place finish in the American League Central division in 2009, but the performance of their ace pitcher provided for a great spark of excitement in the Kansas City area.

Greinke finished the year with a 16-8 record and a miniscule 2.16 ERA. He earned 25 of the possible 28 first-place votes. The other pitchers receiving first-place votes were the Seattle Mariners' Felix Hernandez (2) and the Detroit Tigers' Justin Verlander (1).


"Zack Greinke has always been a potentially tremendous talent and we were all fortunate to watch him perform this past year," Royals general manager Dayton Moore said. "He was everything that he and all of us expected him someday to be."

Greinke, 26, became the third Cy Young winner in club history. Bret Saberhagen won in 1985 and 1989, and David Cone won in 1994.

Zack is set to get married to his long time girlfriend this coming Saturday.

You do work, Zack.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


WOOHOO Go Mary!!

Happy Birthday to the Queen of DesCombazes (WTF is DesCombaz plural??)

ANYWAY - we love you sis and happy birthday!

Bloggin' Birthdays


I just talked to her and she said to celebrate, she was going to take us all out to jackstack and pick up the tab!


Thursday, November 12, 2009


Root Canals cannot be fun. What happened? Not taking care of your teeth?

Jayhawks look pretty awesome in the first two exhibition games. They all seem awfully confident this year. It would be nice to relive 2008. Rock Chalk!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My dentist and his drill like to party on my teeth.

And now I have to get a ROOT CANAL. I am in incredible pain. This is not good. And the root canal is not even until next week, so I am just going to have to suffer through it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Updating My Blog.

Whenever something big happens, I like to update my blog. Like the time that Kevin signed on to the blog. He still hasn't posted, but hey, you take what you can get, right?

Well, I will start my post with an update on the weather (because I know you guys care) and my domestication. It's really nice today, but that doesn't really matter to me because I am stuck in the great ranch on the sky (aka my ofice; those of you who have been here know what I am taking about). However, it is supposed to be sunny and 60 again tomorrow, so I think I am going to try to mow over the leaves and dog poop in my backyard in my attempt to make it look respectable. The problem is that I recently learned that garage door openers take batteries, and my battery is dead. Therefore, I have been unable to access the lawn mower. So first I have to go to Target and get a battery. While there, I might pick up a rake. Haven't decided yet.

So yeah, home ownership, sometimes not so cool.

Sean and Kate seem to be doing well, or at least still being gross on Facebook. I might have to close down my facebook because I have become violently ill as a result of their mushiness too many times.

C. Brown and Mouse are also doing well. C. Brown was recently named Best Pog in the World. Yup. Pretty awesome. When he heard that he won the award, he just started pogging out like a maniac. It was great. He loves tennis balls that squeak, destroying stuff, and destroying tennis balls that squeak. So if you are looking to get him an xmas present...he's easy to shop for. He also likes dog treats and whatever meat Papa K is cooking or slicing at any given time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I agree with Danny... I will also be at the football game at arrowhead, and I assume I'll be there at 8:00am cause at this point KU-MU doesn't sound like Prime Time. I'm going with 4 other people, so we should figure it out to all tailgate together.

Thank god for basketball...

Because the football team blows and now I have wasted $60 on a ticket to see them. Not only that, I wasted $60 on a ticket to a Chiefs game. Wow. Talk about not thinking. I'll be back in K.C. for Thanksgiving - although I don't know what time or day I will be getting in... Hope to see everyone there. Mary - I assume you aren't coming, correct?

Hopefully the basketball team comes out firing tonight!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


By the way -

How have none of my brothers or my sister posted about the embarrassing performance of Todd Reesing this past weekend?

Busy Week

So, this week is going to be one of the hardest that I've had in a while. I missed the last couple days of school last week because of my illness, so I'm attempting to catch up with everything now. Sean came over tonight and we went to Chipotle and hung out for a while - by that, I mean we literally sat on the couch and did homework for 3 hours. I'm still doing homework, Sean went home though. This week I have:
-Two chapters of Child Development due with matching, study questions, journals, and multiple choice questions.
-A dichotomous key for both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
-A multiple page microbiology formal lab write-up.
-A make-up fishbowl for my ethics class.
-Make-up a microbiology lab.
-A microbiology lab test on Thursday.
-Work on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

That is all I can remember for now, but it is a busy one. I hope you are all having good weeks, on the up-side, I'm feeling much better, and obviously back to school.
Oh well, that's what school is! Work, work, work!

Love you all,

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pigs like to Party

So, I went to the doctor today after being sick for a while, and I expected them to say that I have bronchitis, but apparently I have either a bad sinus infection, or an "H1N1 infection." Because apparently some people just get the cold part of the swine flu. Either way, I haven't had a fever this whole time, so thats good.

I've been doing a lot of sitting around, its getting kind of boring. The Hawks put up a sad fight today, it was tough to watch, but I watched it anyway. We'll get them next time...hopefully.

Anyway, I'm only writing this because Mary told me to, but there really isn't that much going on, so I wont make you guys read anymore.

Love ya,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Flu Shots

Great work Katie and Sean, I am still working on mom and dad to get their flu shots especially because it is indicated by the CDC for the following reasons: Anyone who wants to prevent the spread of the flu to friends and family... If that doesn't get you then it is also indicated for anyone over 50, as well as anyone who smokes especially since they are at higher risk of it developing into a serious pneumonia. Anyways to update everyone, today we had new guys in the CVICU today. This one had to have half of his lungs removed because he got lung cancer from smoking. Yes, lung removal fits into open heart surgery because they have to crack open your chest and, man, do those wounds look painful when they have them stapled back up. Just thought I would update everyone... no underlying thoughts here or anything. Have a lovely weekend!

P.S. They saw through the bone.

Sorry, Sean.

"Country Hits to Check Out" does not qualify as a post. It would be like if I wrote a post called "Why the Vikings are Better than the Chefs." It would not count as a post. However, your two other posts were quite legitimate and appreciated, by myself and the Princess at least, I don't know if anyone else reads the blog.

Charlie Brown says hi. He ripped his dewclaw so he's been kind of a sad pup, but he'll snap out of it. He just got a really awesome new dog bed for costco (DK - they have awesome ones there for $20. They are indestructible. You just need to make friends with someone with a Costco card).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keepin' the Blog Alive...

So it's been a busy week here in Lawrence, well, not really. Fall break is over and it is back to school until Thanksgiving. Ugh. Everyone is getting sick, I got my flu shot today, but Andy had the flu this weekend and Brittnee had it a couple weeks ago, so I am taking Airbourne 3 times a day and my multi vitamins and hoping I can avoid it.

Mary - I think that a Jayhawk would be the only acceptable costume for said party.

I don't really have much going on, I just thought I'd write a little bit since no one else does (with the exception of Mrs. DesCombaz).

Well, off to class.

Canada likes to party.

So, I am back from Canada as of Saturday afternoon, which is a good thing because someone needs to keep this little blog running, right? Canada sure did like to party, as do franchise lawyers. I was pretty sick of being surrounded by 700 franchise lawyers by the third day of it, but oh well. I did not have to pay for a single drink all week, so that was cool.

On Saturday we went to a wedding that was not nearly as good as mine. No surprise, I am sure. We left at about 9:30, as I need more recovery from the Toronto trip. (FYI, no fishing in Toronto, but it is an awesome city and I want to go back).

Now, life goes on in fear of the snow. Things are relatively quiet for the next few weeks, which is good, as I am swamped at work. PD is busy with school and work. We need to get a mini fridge and cable back pronto, aka before basketball season starts. Very important. We are going to see Norm MacDonald do stand up on Saturday, and that is about all we have going on. We are going to a Halloween party and I need a costume idea, suggestions are welcome.

Hope all is well in the lower midwest. Check in on the Blog. Come on, Kevie, I am waiting....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wild At Heart

(See previous 2 posts)

So besides listening to country music and getting pumped for basketball season, I wanted to give everyone somewhat of an update on what else going on with me.

First of all, yes, Mary, the hawks are good at football too.

We're ranked in the top 20, but have not been playing up to that standard recently. Yes, we're 5-0 (1-0 in Big 12), one of only 6 undefeated teams in the nation, but our defense gave up 36 points and 500 yards to an Iowa State team that went 2-10(0-8 in Big 12) last season. Ouch. Anyway, we have Colorado on Saturday in Boulder, at 6:00 on ESPN, I believe. I'll be going on ahead and watching that. Unless our defense steps it up, it'll be tough to get past Colorado, let alone Oklahoma on the 24th in Lawrence. We'll step it up though.

Anyway, life is good. I'm getting used to not having any money/trying to not spend it all, though it does suck sometimes. Today is the first official day of Fall Break, as I'm free for a few days since my classes ended at 3. Like KT said, we've been going out and having dinner together once in a while... and/or I'll go over there and do homework/laundry.

We'll be going home for JP's Mass tomorrow t 4:00. I have a list of things I want to accomplish while home, such as getting some money from the bank so I can buy some clothes, bringing some warm clothes (high has been around 45-50 in L-town this whole past week), and of course seeing mom and dad, who I obviously miss a lot. It'll be good to spend some time with them. Then they take off, as I think they're going to the Lake on Friday morning??? Not sure.

Kate came to L-town last weekend, and we celebrated our 6 months of going out. I got her some Kappa Alpha Theta gear (refrigerator magnets, traveler's coffee mug, bulletin board) and a framed picture of us. It was my favorite weekend in L-town so far, obviously, as I was able to have Kate and all my friends in the room at the same time. I've met a lot of friends at KU, and I've been having a lot of fun overall.

My classes are tough obviously, especially Spanish and Biology, but I think I actually have an A in Spanish and a B in Bio, so I'm doing well.

Highlights of last weekend include Kate giving me a CD of a bunch of country songs that I and her both love, and she ordered them in a really thoughtful way. Most of you know about my encounter with one of the Kansas Men's Basketball players, Sherron Collins, in the concourses of the KU/Duke football game. I went on ahead and got a picture with him, before proceeding to get one with T-Baby Taylor and Tyrel Reed also. If your not familiar, you should totally check out the pictures on Facebook. Anyway, I bring it up because I can't get the guy (Sherron) away from me. Kate and I went to Longhorn for dinner on Saturday night, and he decided to also go ahead and go to Longhorn that night, at PRECISELY the time that I go, and conveniently find a spot right next to us. I mean, I don't blame the guy, but if he wants my autograph or something, he just needs to ask.

So anyway, the weekend was great with Kate, I already miss her and now, with the exception of tomorrow, I'll be chilling in the dorms over Fall Break. Almost everyone on my floor is going home for the weekend, but one of my good friends Meaghan, and another of my friends, Gabrielle, should be around this weekend, so I'm sure we'll find stuff to do.

Hawks on Saturday! 6 P.M. ESPN.

Rock Chalk and I'm excited to see you all soon.

Late Night in the Phreakin' Phog

(See previous post)

Just wanted to go on ahead and remind everyone that Friday is Late Night, the first official step in Rock Chalk Championship 2010.

Faces that will be seen will include some of the following Men's Basketball Players for the University of Kansas:
  • G Sherron (Can't get away from Sean) Collins
  • G Tyshawn (T-Baby) Taylor
  • C Cole (I eat Hansbrough) Aldrich
Accompanying those three semi-decent players of basketball include the following freshmen:
  • G Elijah (Dr. E.) Johnson
  • F Xavier (X) Henry (That's Zah-Vee-Ay)
  • F Thomas (The Next DJ) Robinson
You also have the following returning players:
  • Marcus Morris
  • Markieff Morris
  • Travis Releford
  • Mario Little
Among others.

The Coach of the basketball Jayhawks is the following:
  • Bill Self
So anyway, we're going to win the title, and Friday will be Step 1.

Country Hits to Check Out

Here's some New Country Hits for Everyone to Check Out (Purchase/Youtube)
  • "Do I" by Luke Bryan
  • "History in the Making" by Darius Rucker
  • "Toes" by Zac Brown Band
  • "Fifteen" by Taylor Swift
  • "Only You Can Love Me This Way" by Keith Urban
  • "Big Green Tractor" by Jason Aldean
  • "Why" by Rascal Flatts
  • "Cowboy Casanova" by Carrie Underwood
  • "I'm Alive" by Kenny Chesney Feat. Dave Matthews

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One more thing.

Is perhaps the reason that Danny is now refusing to blog the fact that the Rammies got stomped by Mr. Favre and the Vikes?

Responses to Katie's Blog.

I will address as many topics as I can remember.

I am leaving for Ca-nah-dee-ah in a couple of hours. Flying to Toronto. I will not be fishing; I will be learning about franchise law and schmoozing (over free booze, otherwise known as boozing) with other franchise lawyer types. I will NOT be allowed to use my Crackberry and will therefore go through withdraw. If you need me, efax (read: email) or facebook me. The pog and pd are going to miss me very much. I will be at the the Westin Harbour Castle, which is a fancy hotel for people who are kind of a big deal (like myself).

Katie, I want another pair of sweat pants, no elastic at the bottom, prob. XL, what's the discount? Maybe pick some up for me and I will pay you back? Also, can you still find National Championship gear? I do not have a shirt that I am happy with. Otherwise, the DesCombaz household is sitting pretty with the necessary gear for the upcoming season.

Sean, I hope you cheered for Nebraska in the game last Thursday. I am afraid that your precious little lady friend might taint you.

Whoever's name I get better like knitted goods, ahahahahahaha.

Also, is PD part of the xmas name drawing now? I mean, ya'll were drunkenly calling him brother at the wedding...I think that he should be in.

C. Brown can't wait to see you all at Xmas.


Alright folks, have you all given up on the blog?? I quite enjoy the blog, it is saddening to know that I have no idea what you all are doing.

Mary is going to Canada?
-She didn't blog that

I want to get a Crackberry.
-Thoughts on this matter?

In my Microbiology class I took a quiz on Friday, midterm on Monday, and lab quiz today.
-What is the world coming to?

Midterms are almost over, I am going home with Sean on Thursday for John Powell's service.
-Shoot Megan and/or Lakin a text and/or facebook message on that day.

The Hawks scored a bunch of touchdowns during the last game, so I am heading from my Child Development class to the bookstore to look at what I can get for a good price which it's hot. If I see anything that any of you will like for Christmas, I will buy it and strategically get your name in the drawing. :)

Well, I'm off. Have a wonderful week you non-bloggers, you.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Just a Quick Post

To let you all know that we officially have our first snow, should be adding up to 2-4 inches by the end of the day.

P.s. If anyone is looking to get me a bday present, I need new snow boots.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kate and I like to Party.

I'm like 7 or 8 posts behind in the Blog (haven't had time to read the girls' nonsense), but I thought you all would enjoy this:


Thursday, October 8, 2009

No. 16 likes to Party???

No worries, DK, Brent is not my fav Vikings player. After watching the game on Monday night (aka my first as a Vikings fan), I have settled on Jared Allen as my fav Vike. Why, you ask? Well, it's simple: because he's a big fat white guy who had a bazillion sacks, he used to be a chef, and, most importantly, he sports the "Wisconsin Waterfall" haircut (a look that I recommend for Kevie). I am looking for a picture to post.

By the way, speaking of my new alligence to Minnesota sports (which extends to only professional sports and not college sports), how 'bout that Twinkies game on Tuesday? So much fun to watch. Hope they can pull it out against the Yankees.

Ok, but I have been out of the loop for Kansas football, being that we have not gotten any games on TV up here, but I just checked the standings and was amazed to see that we are No. 16. So awesome! And, Mama & Papa K will be making the trip up to Minnesota on November 14th to watch us take on Nebraska at Tiff's. Good stuff.

I refuse to post...

Until Mary stops cheering for the Vikings. Brett Favre is a disgrace to football and humankind. I hope someone tears his labrum (that would be in the shoulder) and he has to go through intese rehab and is never able to throw a football again. Sorry to sound mean, but pre-madonna's are the worst thing in sports. (see Chase Daniel).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vegas.... Not again?!

So since Mary is bugging us all, I will give a quick update on what I have been doing that is preventing me from blogging: Reading all the other blogs. No, but really, I have been super busy at the hospital. I just finished a project in which I gave a 25 minute presentation to about 20 pharmacists who are way smarter than me but it went really well. Now, I have started my second rotation in the CardioVascular ICU. In two days I have seen a bronchoscopy and TEE. Feel free to wikipedia those.

The chiefs of course have been somewhat disappointing but I am optimistic we will get a dub-ya in the next 5 weeks if not more than one. Just to keep everyone informed, I am currently dominating the family fantasy football league known as The Doodles League. After I take care of uncle Matt this weekend, I will still be the only undefeated team.

Katie and Sean have been in town once or twice each sine I've been around so it was nice to see them. I got to see Kevin at the royals game last weekend for their last home series. Other than that, I am basically learning all I can each day as I push towards graduation in May.

Oh yea, the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists has a yearly meeting that displays all the residencies for the following year. I just booked a hotel and registered for it. Just need to get my flight.... to Vegas... I mean its not my fault they are having it there. Treasure Island will be a nice place to stay considering last time I went I stayed at the Imperial Palace.

I will in fact be back for Thanksgiving considering the KU-MU game is the following saturday. Hope to see everyone then, if not before.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Apparently, Only Mary and Katie Like to Party.

The level of blog participation recently is subpar. Pick it up, people. Sorry, gotta make this one short as I need to get back to (1) drafting this complaint; and (2) bugging Sean and Kate on facebook.

But FYI, it went from highs in the 80's here to highs in the LOW 50's (if that) in about one day, we got no 60 degree days, we need to turn on the heat because it gets to freezing a night already, but we haven't even got the window units out. Sadness.

BIG GAME tonight for us Northerners/Vikings fans. Rock Chalk Brent Favor!

Big game for the Twinkies tomorrow, thanks to the Royals not-so-stellar performance in the dome this weekend. Go Twinkies!

I can't believe that all my Go Vikings comments have failed to result in a post from Kevie. Sadness. Maybe I am losing my ability to bug people?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In case you were confused, I typed this up for all of you:

Morning Brew: Facebook Statuses Translated
By: Alex Beecher, University Daily Kansan, Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Kansas sports has spent an inordinate amount of time in the headlines this past week. I don't think I need to tell you why. But despite the rampant coverage, people still have questions. 'How could this have been pre-empted?' they ask. 'Surely there must have been signs we missed.'

Indeed there were signs. Most notably, Tyshawn Taylor's facebook stauses ought to have served as red flags. Unfortunately, not many are fluent in 'G' around these parts. But, as anoted connoisseur of the thug life, 'G' is a language with which I am quite familiar. So, I've devoted this past week to translating Taylor's stauses, so the picture might become more clear to everyone else."

***Katie's note: Keep in mind family, this is a really, really small goofy looking guy, which adds a comical twist to this article.***

"Taylor: keep my name out ya' mouth for you get smacked in it
Translation: Do not speak ill of me, sir. Should you fail to comply, I will be forced to respond with violence.

Taylor: never get outta character .. I'm always a G about it
Translation: In my actions, I am a consistent gentleman. Thus you can be assured that I always act with intergrity.

Taylor: n****s be muggin me - you know I'm muggin back
Translation: It has often been said that ciolence does no more than breed further violence. I must confess taht I find truth in that. For, having been assailed, I responded in kind.

After these posts, Taylor proceded to injure himself in a fight. Following his release from Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Taylor explained matters.

Taylor: real n****s do real things .. point plankn
Translation: Whosever calls himself a man must occasionally take action to prove said point. This is a simple matter, and not to be questioned.

Taylor: I got a dislocated finger ... from throwing a punch ... so don't let the mews paper gas yall up aite
Translation: A recent Gallup Pool found that only 36 percent of adults fine media outlets to be trustworthy. Cynical though that may sound, I too believe that media ought not be trusted implicitly. And so, lest any newspapers attempt to portray things otherwise, i shoudl like to clearly state the circumstances under which I dislocated my finger. That is, by striking another man with my fist.

Having now shed ligh on these preciously dark areas, it is my sincere hope that Kansas Athletics can move forward and - through both the passage of time and the taking of proper actions - reclaim its 'G' status."

HAHA, I just HAD to type this and share it with all of you, I thought it was too funny for you all not to read. Rock Chalk G's.